Our Partners

Upper Columbia Resource Conservation and Development Council
The Upper Columbia RC&D was chartered in August of 1993. The UC RC&D is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that serves five counties in northeast Washington helping communities solve resource issues. The UC RC&D area includes Ferry, Pend Orielle, Spokane, Stevens, and Whitman County.
The RC&D program was established with the purpose of improving and expanding opportunities for individuals, organizations, conservation districts and governments by enhancing and sustaining communities and natural resources. RC&D councils identify unmet needs in their communities and work to solve them through a wide range of actions.
The Upper Columbia RC&D has identified and prioritizes the following activities:
- Energy Conservation/Solar/Hydro/Wind/Nuclear
- Alternative AG opportunity/Bio-Farming Community Based
- Urban Growth/Development
- AG Land Sustainability
- Forest Health
- Mined Land Reclamation & Revitalization
- Use & Quality of Rural Water Supply
- Water Shed Planning/Improvement Of Water Quality
- Conservation/Use/Lawn/Xeriscape
- Storm Water
- Ground Water Protection
- Wetland/Riparian Protection
- Rural Housing
- Communications Systems & Rural Broadband
- Recreational Facilities Improvement
- Food Security
- Economic Development/Resource Based
- Small Business Support
- AG & Environmental Education
- New/Beginning Farmer Development
- Youth Focused Educational Programming
Upper Columbia RC&D Officers
- Chair – Seth Walser
- Vice Chair – Alex Case-Cohen
- Secretary – Vicki Carter
- Treasurer – Cori Turntine

Contact Us
4422 E. 8th Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99212
509-535-7274 – phone
509-535-7410 – fax
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Fridays by appointment only
Email us at Info@SpokaneCD.org