Board Meetings & Public Announcements
The SCD endeavors to keep Spokane County citizens aware of all of our public meetings and events. When appropriate, we post in the legals section of the Spokesman Review as well as online.
Notice: February Board Meeting
The Spokane Conservation District will hold its February Board Meeting at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, February 12th, 2024. The meeting will be held at 4422 E 8th Ave. in the Gerald A. Scheele Training Room.
For call-in instructions, please contact us at before noon on February 10th, 2024.
Previous Meeting Minutes
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Elections & Voter Info
All conservation district elections and appointments in Washington State are governed by Washington Administrative Code 135-110 with guidance and oversight provided by the Washington State Conservation Commission
2025 Election and Appointment Information
Each conservation district (CD) in Washington is governed by a board of five members, called supervisors. Three are elected locally by the public, and two are appointed by the Conservation Commission. At least two of the elected and one of the appointed supervisors must be local landowners or operators of a farm. The term of office is three years. Conservation district board supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation and set policy and direction for the conservation district.
Please continue reading below for important information on how to vote and/or how to apply for a supervisor position.

Voting and How to Vote
Elected Candidate Information
The elected position whose term is expiring in May 2025 is currently held by Jaki Shrauger.
Interested candidates must be registered voters who reside within the boundaries of the District. The filing deadline for candidates to file their candidate required information is February 6, 2025, at 4:00pm. Interested candidates must file their candidate required information at the Spokane Conservation District office located at 4422 E 8th Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99212, no later than 4:00pm. Candidate required information will be accepted at that location by in-person delivery or by mail (postmarked no later than February 3, 2025) or by email to
- Required Candidate Information Form Click Here
- Candidate Statement Guideline Template
- Supervisor Candidate Statement Policy
Candidates may also provide candidate optional information (candidate statement). The Candidate Statement Guidelines will be posted on the Spokane Conservation District (SCD) election webpage. Candidate optional information must also be filed no later than February 6, 2025, at 4:00pm. Candidate optional information must comply with district policy. Candidate optional information that does not comply with district policy may not be published.
For questions about candidate required information or candidate optional information requirements, please contact the election supervisor, Jeannie Jesseph, at (509) 535-7274 Extension 210.
Appointed Candidate Information
A board seat on the Spokane Conservation District is available for appointment by the Washington State Conservation Commission. Conservation district board supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation and set policy and direction for the conservation district. An applicant must be a registered voter in Washington State and may be required to own land or operate a farm. Applicants for appointed positions do not have to live within
the district to apply. For more information, please contact the Spokane Conservation District or read the
Applications and supporting materials must be received by the Commission no later than Monday, March 31, 2025.
Voter Information
A MAIL-IN election for an open position on the District Board of Supervisors will be held on March 11, 2025.
The following individuals are running for the elected position (alphabetically by last name): (Not applicable at this time)
Voting Timeline
- February 6, 2025 - Deadline to apply for the elected position.
- February 18, 2025, at 4:00 PM – Deadline for requesting a ballot.
- March 11, 2025 – Ballots must be postmarked or returned to SCD; the counting process begins
Where to Return Completed Ballots by Mail
4422 E 8th Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Eligible voters must be registered to vote in Spokane County and reside within the boundaries of the conservation district (Spokane County with the exception of the City of Deer Park). Because this election will be held by mail-in/drop-off voting, ballots are available by request only. Requests MUST include the eligible voter’s full name and full mailing address.
The deadline to request a ballot is February 18, 2025, at 4:00 PM. Voters can expect to receive ballots in late February.
Ballot requests may also be requested by calling Jeannie Jesseph at (509) 535-7274 Ext. 210.
Completed ballots must be returned to 4422 E 8th Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99212 no later than 4:00 PM on Election Day, March 11, 2025, or postmarked via US Postal Service by March 11, 2025. Volunteer polling officers will begin the process of counting votes at that time. Ballots postmarked or received after this deadline cannot be counted. If a voter is returning a ballot by mail, the voter must account for the time it will take for the ballot to be returned to the district by mail.
About the Board
The Board of Supervisors governs the Spokane Conservation District (SCD) and establishes the overall direction and priorities for conservation district programs.
Supervisors are local residents who serve voluntarily; local citizens elect three of the members and the Washington State Conservation Commission (WSCC) appoints the remaining two. While supervisors come from a variety of backgrounds, by law, at least three of the five supervisors must be landowners or farm operators. Each term of office is three years and supervisors are expected to attend 12 regularly scheduled board meetings per year as well as individual committee and special meetings and/or trainings.
During the years when a term expires for a Supervisor, an election is held in early March. All information, including applications for those seeking to run for office, will be posted in-house, online, and in the legal notice section of the local newspaper.
District Supervisors have a unique niche among agencies managing Washington’s natural resources. They serve as the grassroots representative of landowners and the general public in their community, providing leadership and direction to bring volunteer cooperation in natural resource conservation programs. Upon taking the oath of office they agree to carry out the responsibilities of their position with the Washington Conservation District Law (RCW Title 89).
Click here to view the District Supervisor Fact Sheet and WSCC Powers
In addition to District Supervisors, another role on the Board of Supervisors is the Associate Supervisor. Associate Supervisors are non-voting members, appointed by the board, who also serve voluntarily and attend meetings and trainings, and can serve on various committees as directed by the board. There are no term limits for Associate Supervisors and they can be appointed to the board at any time during the year. An unlimited number of Associate Supervisors can serve on the board. Express your interest in becoming an Associate Supervisor by coming to a monthly board meeting or by contacting the SCD Director, Vicki Carter at

The Board
Randy James | Chair
Appointed - Term Expires 2025
Tom Miller | Vice-Chair
Appointed - Term Expires 2026
Jaki Shrauger | Auditor
Elected - Term Expires 2025
Wendy Knopp | Member
Elected - Term Expires 2027
Sara Schlake | Member
Elected - Term Expires 2026
Scott Noble | Associate Supervisor
Kris Neely | Associate Supervisor
Melanie Maher | Associate Supervisor
Events & Upcoming Board Meetings

Contact Us
4422 E. 8th Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99212
509-535-7274 – phone
509-535-7410 – fax
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Fridays by appointment only
Email us at