Vets on the Farm - Cultivate
Aug 23, 2023
Vets on the Farm encourages exploration of agricultural and conservation-based education by offering programs and curriculum in partnership with WSU Extension and Spokane Community Colleges. Levels of completion will be available and include course certification up to an Associate’s degree. Additionally, Vets on The Farm facilitates an internship and mentoring program to give our Veterans a chance to “walk the walk.” Again, we bring the resources to help build the community. Some of our education resources include:
Cultivating Success Mentor-Intern Program
In Partnership with WSU Extension, Vets on the Farm has a new Mentor-Intern Program. To join us for the 2018 season as a mentor (host farm) or intern, please complete the appropriate application below.
Please direct any and all inquiries, questions, and completed application materials to:
Grant Weber, Vets on the Farm, Farm Manager,

Cultivating Success
Our 12-week curriculum in beginning farming and ranching. Students are introduced to the nuts and bolts of a small operation and will finish the course with a business concept/plan. Courses are offered in the Spring and Fall and scholarships are available.
Click here for more information and contact.
Workshops & Farmwalks
Vets on the Farm and partnering agencies offer workshops and farmwalks throughout the year. These events provide our Veterans with an opportunity for learning outside of a traditional classroom and another way to connect with fellow Veterans and individuals interested in agriculture.
Homegrown by Heroes
HGH is an official farmer veteran branding program of America. The HGH logo serves to inform consumers that products donning the logo were produced by military veterans. The program is available to farmers, ranchers, fisherman, and value-added producers of all branches and eras of military services.