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Marshall Creek In-Stream Flow Marshall Creek In-Stream Flow

Marshall Creek In-Stream Flow

Marshall Creek is a beautiful, spring-fed perennial tributary that has important flow contributions to Hangman (Latah) Creek. The creek provides numerous benefits to wildlife species such as otter, herons, brook and interior redband trout, deer, moose and many more. Marshall Creek originates from springs and gently flows easterly through a myriad of wetlands, scablands, and forested habitats. The area was homesteaded in the late 1880s by William Marshall and his family. He built the first dam on the creek for the operation of his sawmill. As the years went by, the small watershed had a vibrant history of homesteading, dynamite factories, the Broadview Dairy operation, and cattle grazing. Inevitable development of the watershed over the decades introduced many changes to the creek. Dams, diversions, ponds, and other domestic uses of the creek have impacted the wildlife, fishery, and instream flow. Today, the creek winds through many culverts, and rural home settings. In 2016, due to land use changes, the majority of the creek’s flow has been unnaturally diverted and can no longer reach its confluence with Hangman Creek. The creek is dry for approximately 2.5 miles from its confluence with Hangman Creek. This loss of flow is impacting the wildlife, the instream biota, the riparian communities, senior water rights, and some domestic wells. The Spokane Conservation District, local agencies, and the residents of the watershed are currently working together to find a solution to revitalize the stream.

Next Public Meeting: Thursday, January 25th, 2024 Agenda


Meeting Minutes/Documents:

December 18, 2023

January 11, 2024

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