Water Resources
Healthy Riparian Areas
There are many reasons to consider restoring creeks and streams on your property and many ways to get started. The simplest ways is to plant trees and shrubs that will have immediate and long lasting efforts on the health of the stream and the wildlife that lives there.
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Water Resources Publication Library
Here is a listing of the various water resource documents available to the public. They consist of management plans,...
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Islands Trail Head Project
SCD Staff Lindsay Chutas and Charlie Peterson executed a huge construction project with Todd Nelson of Timberlake Industries to increase river access to paddlers, anglers and other river users while supporting river stewardship including protecting wildlife habitat, shorelines, and water quality.
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Placzek Project
The first Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) implementation project was installed at the Placzek property on a tributary of Dartford Creek in North Spokane County. The landowner was concerned with the erosion of his streambank and seeking advice to help naturally slow the erosion, as well as improve his wildlife and riparian habitat to a stream bank that currently has no riparian or upland vegetation. The land on the north bank side of the property is leased to a farmer who currently participates in the RCPP program and grows canola on the property. SCD installed a 50-foot wide riparian buffer, with a variety of native plants found mimicking the forest adjacent to the property. Cumulatively, 800 potted stock plants and 600 willow whips were planted with the goal of reducing erosion and repairing the riparian habitat.
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Newman Lake Advanced Wastewater Treatment Pilot Study
Poor water quality has been a widespread, long-term issue impacting property owners around Newman Lake. Previous studies have shown that stormwater runoff and inadequate septic systems are contributing to elevated nitrogen and phosphorus levels in Newman Lake. Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential for plant and animal growth, but too much of these nutrients can have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Most of the phosphorus loading at Newman Lake is in the form of biological reactive phosphorus and is readily available for immediate algal uptake upon reaching the lake.
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Spokane River Restored Access Points
In April 2020, the Spokane Conservation District (SCD) visited Spokane River Access locations in order to photograph and visually assess the condition of access points during a heavy use period. Updates are presented from East to West, with any SCD work on particular locations called out.
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